Kickstarter Stargate SG-1 the roleplaying game 25
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Je suis tombé dessus un peu par hasard (grâce à Facebook)
Ca se passe là :
C'est motorisé par du D&D5 modifié (un peu comme l'ancien jeu était motorisé en d20 System)
Un quickstart guide est téléchargeable là
- YulFi
Je comprends la hype D&D5, mais des classes et des niveaux pour du Stargate, on a vu avec la version d20 que ça marchait pas...
- Dyvim Star
Ils font des changements par rapport au SRD
One of the elements that makes a roleplaying game unique are the rules employed to shape the story being told. To simulate a modern television series narrative, we’ve added and altered some rules, most notably:
• 5 Level Classes: In addition to having very different class options to choose from, your character gains levels in a training class only until level 5. Once Phoenix team members complete their core training they are free to guide their own advancement by purchasing feats.
• Meters: Instead of the standard imperial measurements, we use the metric system
using 1m increments in place of 5ft.
• Ranged Vs. Melee: While melee combat certainly happens, Phoenix teams often engage enemies with firearms. GMs may find a grid-map is unwieldy to keep track of combatants during most combat.
• The Tension Die (TD): Ranging from 1d4 (Comedic) to 1d12 (All is Lost), this die
sets the tone of an episode and its scenes.
• Damage is usually non-lethal: At most Tension ratings, it’s assumed that damage
isn’t lethal by default.
• Encounter Types: In addition to traditional action, Stargate encounters cover any situation where success is not guaranteed, or where the outcome depends on player choice. Encounters
range from battles to convincing a judge or sneaking through an enemy base.
• Determination Points (DP): Characters have a number of determination points that act as a wagering resource during certain encounter types. Some feats and abilities also allow you to use DP in additional ways.
• Initiative & Moxie: Initiative can be determined by a character’s Dex or Wis (instead of just Dex). In addition, we’ve added Moxie (using Int or Cha) for use in non-action encounters.
• Mission Points: Like experience points, mission points are how a character earns advancement. They aren’t awarded for combat but instead for completing missions. You typically earn between 3 and 5 MP per session.
Normal, puisque dans la série, tout le monde, sur toutes les planètes, parle anglais
apres avoir discuté avec des gens responsables, du jeux, il semblerait que pas mal de chose isues du "bestiaire" ont été revues.
Pas faux. Peut-être que des scénarios seront débloqués en palier. Il me semble en avoir vu un déjà dans les paliers.
A priori il y a une "living campaign" en cours sur leur forum
Jugez moi mais punaise, comment je bloque sur les illustrations...
Je crois que je vais juste pledger le pdf.
- Dyvim Star