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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

Donner corps à un PNJ 12

Forums > Créativité



J'ai vu sur le tard le role'n tips à ce sujet. Julien Dutel recommande de se créer une liste de "gimmicks" pour pouvoir y piocher pour ses PNJs. On trouve assez facilement des listes de caractères ou de particularités physiques...mais avez-vous des listes de tics de langages ou gestuels? Bref de petites choses pour "signer" un PNJ ?

Suis preneur. content




Voilà déjà de quoi personnaliser un PNJ (made in AD&D 1987 plaisantin )

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Sammy

Ca vient de quel bouquin stp ?

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Andre

Guide du maître du Donjon (AD&D 1ère édition).

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Mana_Seeker

Merci, mais il manque ce que je demande...tics gestuels ou de langages ?


en cherchant sur le Oueb, je suis tombé sur ça (oui je sais ça ne réponds toujours pas à la question mais ça peut être utile clin d'oeil ) :


Une liste de bizarrerie sympa


ou encore ça :

Creating memorable NPCs

  1. NPC rubs the back of his neck as he speaks. (Is he nervous? Was he hit?)
  2. Conceited, obnoxiously so.
  3. NPC has no fingernails (You learn he survived torture.)
  4. Jingles gold pieces in pocket.
  5. Says “hmmm hmmm” often. (Habit or is he that agreeable?)
  6. Asks rhetorical questions.
  7. Falsely claims he was an adventurer too.
  8. She nods often.
  9. She carries satchel filed with junk.
  10. Sweats.
  11. Shaving cuts on face (Interesting if this was a Dwarf who had shaved.)
  12. Military mannerisms, clear in how he carries himself.
  13. She has an animal claw scar that is highly visible.
  14. Always out of breath.
  15. Rolls “Rs” (Good luck to the DM roleplaying this!)
  16. She snorts when laughing (It’s endearing.)
  17. Complains of heartburn.
  18. Rings sewn all over his/her clothes.
  19. Clothes made of woven leaves, yet lives in town.
  20. Carries cloth covered basket (What is in there?)
  21. Spit polished bracelet that clearly holds personal meaning.
  22. Hard of hearing to hilarious results.
  23. NPC gives himself a different name every meeting.
  24. She blows stray hair out of eyes.
  25. Dude hooks thumbs in his belt when he stands.
  26. Sways nervously.
  27. Carries small lizard.
  28. Long manicured nails.
  29. Blind, but looks through familiar’s eyes.
  30. Instructs PCs in latest fashion, yet looks a little silly.
  31. Rubs large belly as he (she?) talks.
  32. Pouts.
  33. Calls PCs by wrong names consistently.
  34. Giggles endearingly.
  35. Wine colored birthmark highly visible on body.
  36. Polishes odd eyepieces, but never puts them on.
  37. Sunburned.
  38. Picks lint off PCs clothes.
  39. Always asks for a bite of whatever someone is eating.
  40. Has black eye.
  41. Mixes languages during every conversation.
  42. Keeps hand on PCs shoulder when speaking to them.
  43. Feeds crumbs to birds.
  44. Hands coppers to beggar kids.
  45. Has immaculately spotless boots.
  46. Rope burns around wrists.
  47. Hair dye on collar
  48. Armor is covered in strange runes.
  49. Nose bleeds.
  50. Refers to good ‘ole days in every conversation.
  51. Hopelessly optimistic.
  52. Has a heart shape cut into skin.
  53. Ogles opposite sex openly.
  54. Ink stained fingers.
  55. Gap between teeth.
  56. Always scratching a rash.
  57. Missing 7th finger.
  58. Rubs hands together when he speaks.
  59. She stares off when speaking.
  60. He has long pauses when speaking.
  61. Facial piercings.
  62. Tugs on ear.
  63. Rubs chin as in deep thought.
  64. Cleans nails with knife as he speaks.
  65. Single beard braid.
  66. Out of touch clothing (Perhaps even unusual for the environment.)
  67. Smells like horses.
  68. Smells like alcohol.
  69. Leaves in hair always.
  70. Sniffs the air.
  71. Unusual jewelry.
  72. Freckled.
  73. Highly superstitious.
  74. Loud talker (Or maybe close talker.)
  75. Makes puns.
  76. Makes plans.
  77. Is always chewing on a stick.
  78. Smacks palm with fist.
  79. Asks often about own appearance.
  80. Rubs palms on thighs.
  81. Invades personal space on every meeting.
  82. Repeats things back to you.
  83. Oily skin.
  84. Doesn’t let things go.
  85. Has long pauses before talking.
  86. Obvious cosmetics.
  87. Obvious wig.
  88. Belches often.
  89. Openly racist.
  90. Complements sincerely.
  91. Talks often about seeing the world some day.
  92. Always carries fresh cut flowers
  93. Has an engorged leech on hand.
  94. Keeps a goat on a leash.
  95. Sharpens knife incessantly.
  96. Always practicing a fire starting cantrip.
  97. Mutters to himself and twitches.
  98. Carves simple animal figurines for children.
  99. Has name monogrammed on the back of his tunic.
  100. Has a wizard hat covered in fish hooks.
Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Sammy

Cool ! Merci. Je suis presque honteux de devoir poser la question mais bon ... on ne peut pas tout connaître mort de rire


Ah merci ça correspond mieux content