Forums > Jeux de rôle > JdR Black Book > Savage Worlds
Ah oui le boulet il y a aussi thieves un the night dispo gratuitement ... vu que je l'ai traduit pour la communauté et il est très bon aussi.
Hi, I am Umberto Pignatelli, the author of Beasts & Barbarians. I don't speak French (despite living very near your fine country), but I often lurk this forum thanks google translator.
It looks like you are enjoying the game and I am very happy of it.
Make your swords strike true, and your loincloths turn away blows!
- Zagig Yragerne
- ,
- Pyra
- et
- Serval
Welcome and thanks for this world you offered to us. I love your work and i get a lot of fun reading these stories!
I started with Pantarkos Lucretios 2 weeks ago and Belaxios have been killed just before the crab 😅 sorry for him. But i think i will keep him as a spirit helping my players.
Next, they'll try to escape Lucretios mercenaries and travel to Tricania (and meet Tukomal's Jagzhas 😈)
You already know my answers.
But there is two adventures I've yet to run (the newest ones) : "the justice of Kerir Shar" and "Garden of Death".
A question, is The Cliff Queen Court translated in french? (it is the very first one sheet of the setting, very good to introduce the setting and sword and sorcery to people).
- Ntony
Not yet, but if you recommend it I ´ll try to get it on top of the to do list
- Umberto Pignatelli
It's indeed very good to introduce the setting. It's short but you can play it and create the characters in the same session, so it's good for that, and the feeling is great. First B&B adventure I ran.
J'ai mis à jour la liste des scénarios* avec les recommandations d'Umberto. Merci à lui.
(* : clic sur mon nom puis sur le lien B&B)
My mistake, that was "the Carnival of Nal Sagath" I ran first. I ran Cliff later. But that was almost 3 years ago.
But the same applies to both. And a great moment of roleplaying when the characters encounters the "women". One character almost killed the other who knew about the women, and because of that he forgot to tell him where was the key. ^^
My players started nude, carried in a cage, to the Hulian temple (for the arena)... good for starting, right ? ;D
Dans la liste des parutions et scénarios B&B, je viens d'ajouter une carte avec la situation apporximative des scénarios.
Le (32) me laisse perplexe, ne sachant où se trouve les jungles de Lush. J'ai collé la référence en bas à gauche le long du fleuve Anaconda mais sans certitude. Est ce traduit en Ceinture Verdoyante ?