Historia: Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e 163
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Moi je la trouve très bien ^^
Pledge Manager & Planning
Mana Project StudioCréateur
29 octobre 2019
Hi everybody,
thank you for your patience and sorry for our silence of this month. We're working hard to design the best schedule and planning as possible, and we're signing agreements with suppliers and service providers.
Pledge Manager
At the moment, the pledge manager is not open yet. Everything is ready to go, but we are waiting to sign an agreement with the logistics to offer you the cheapest and most accurate shipments.
Once we open the pledge manager, you will receive an email at the address connected to your Kickstarter account. On the pledge manager, you will be able to choose the language of your rewards and personalize your pledge!
Lucca Comics convention
Starting tomorrow, we're attending the Lucca Comics and Games convention in Italy. We'll be available for signing sessions and meet and greet, while our demo sessions are all booked.
Then, we'll get a little rest after the convention and be back soon to you with an update!
Thank you for your support,
Mana Project Studio
Donc encore un peu de temps avant le pledge manager pour choisir la langue et choisir ses options (et sortir sa CB pour prendre les jolis livres débloqués en physique). Moi ça me va, je suis pas pressé, faut que les caisses se remplissent avant
BackerKit surveys are coming soon!
Mana Project StudioCréateur9 décembre 2019Hi everybody,
It's been a while since our last update, but while the management team worked hard on the pledge / late pledge manager, the creator team kept on working on the scheduled timeline.
BackerKit Surveys
Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.
You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!
After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.
If you will need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://historiarpg.backerkit.com (please note that this link is not online yet).
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://historiaprg.backerkit.com/faq (still not online yet) or send an email to support@backerkit.com.
In the next days, you will receive e new update once the surveys will be sent and when the late pledges will be online!
Thank you all for your amazing support!
Mana Project Studio
Tout est dans le sens (à géométrie variable) du mot "soon".
Le backerkit est ouvert, on peut choisir des langues différentes pour chaque livre / carte du pledge. Un peu bizarre mais pourquoi pas
Faut surtout éviter de se tromper et relire plusieurs fois le truc.
Surtout que le bouton radio "French" change de place, selon le document. On a vite fait de se tromper...
- Spark5262
Il y a quand même possibilité de modifier même après confirmation. Mais effectivement mieux vaut se relire à toutes les étapes !
Production & Development update
Mana Project StudioCréateur
4 mars 2020
Hey everybody,
we're back with an update. Some time passed since the last one, but it's because we are working hard with our heads on the keyboards!
Historia Lorebook
The Historia Lorebook is nearly finished! We completed the Italian writing, the English translation, and the layout. The illustrations are 90% done and below you can see some examples!
Arts by Mirko Failoni
Familiae & Species
Arts by Mauro Alocci
We finished designing the Familae and Species mechanics and we are at 30% of the artworks (we are aiming for 65+ Species Portraits!). This will be a gargantuan work!
Arts by Mauro Alocci
Historia Miniatures
The miniatures production is proceeding smoothly, as we finished the Venceslao 3D sculpture (the last one that was missing) and we're starting with the mold phase.
Sculpture by Valerio Carbone
Norse Grimoire Kickstarter
Tomorrow we're launching the Norse Grimoire Kickstarter Campaign, developed by another team inside Mana Project Studio!
Norse Grimoire is a collection of rituals and magical signs for 5th Edition, together with the Journey To Ragnarok reprint.
If you're curious about Norse Magic, or if you want to support the work of Mana Project Studio, check out this link:
Thank you for your love and support,
All the best.
Mana Project Studio
EDIT : et le fix a sorti une interview de Mirko Failoni en début de semaine : https://lefix.di6dent.fr/archives/10571
arf je vais finir par regretter de n'avoir pris que le pdf d'Historia. (et après je regarde l'état de mon compte en banque et de ma voiture...)
- toto11016
J'ai pris aussi que les pdf parce que je sais que je n'y jouerait sans trop de doute jamais
EDIT : et le fix a sorti une interview de Mirko Failoni en début de semaine : https://lefix.di6dent.fr/archives/10571
Bonjour, si ça vous interesse, nous avons presenté aussi le kit de decouverte ici : http://lefix.di6dent.fr/archives/9869
Historia Lorebook PDF release
Mana Project StudioCréateur
6 avril 2020
Hello there,
here we are with the very first Historia release, the Lorebook: Historia, Of Magus and Brigands, Cowards and Heroes. We've sent the Drivethru file on the email linked to your Kickstarter/BackerKit account!
We're presenting you the Historia's origin: a narrative introduction to the world of Vesteria and its most prominent figures, right from Carolino the Wise's pen, telling us about Magus, Brigands, Cowards, and Heroes.
For now, we only have the English and Italian versions available, because our French partner is closed due to COVID-19. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll try to solve these issues as soon as possible.
Enjoy! And thank you for your support!
Please stay safe at home!
Mana Project Studio
- Melnuur
Et y fé comment l'élan avec ses sabots pour tirer à l'arbalète ou mettre son bonnet ?
- Marc6351
Oui c'est bien marqué dans le mail et dans la citation de Nioux
For now, we only have the English and Italian versions available, because our French partner is closed due to COVID-19. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll try to solve these issues as soon as possible.
- flyingwerewolf