Big/Giant Book of Battle Mats : la suite ! 47
Forums > Communauté > Les financements participatifs
J'ai acheté les trois bouquins et je confirme : c'est du beau et du bon !
Une question pour les habitués de Kickstarter :
Je viens de voir que je viens d'être prélevé de 0,99 € sur mon compte en banque par KS (j'ai participé au KS ci-dessus). Est-ce normal ?
Ce n'est pas pour la somme mais j'aime bien être informé de ce que je paye ...
Edit : et d'ailleurs, ça se passe comment pour la suite ?
mon adresse de livraison par exemple, je là donne où ?
Il me semble que c’est pour valider ton moyen de paiement.
Pour les adresses, c’est après le KS. Il y a un pledge manager qui te permet de répartir le montant de ton pledge entre les différentes options, de prendre des options supplémentaires et d’indiquer ton adresse de livraison.
News d'aujourd'hui qui nous informe, entre autre choses :
What Happens Next?
So you can see what our schedule is below is a timeline for what will happen next. The main point to remember is that the pledge manager (Backerkit) is a vital part of the Kickstarter which will open in the second week of June. Backerkit is where -
- You confirm or change your pledge level
- You tell us your shipping address
- You select any add-on products you would like
- We charge for shipping and for any add-ons
Pfff, j'avais resisté jusque là, mais voilà j'ai craqué !!!
Cool, on pourra commander les anciens livres et d'autres articles de leur catalogue dans le pledge manager
£150k is hit! We will now include a free Reusable Sticker pack with every book set!
10 mars 2020
Thank you all so much! We have now hit our £150k Stretch goal and now EVERY Towns & Taverns set will include a free pack of reusable stickers! So that's one free pack in with the 'Towns & Taverns' and 'Towns & Tavern PLUS' pledge levels and TWO free packs in the 'Twice the Towns & Taverns' Pledge level. Happy Days!
Currently we have one sticker set - Town Trimmings so as we stand everyone gets a free pack of Town Trimmings with every book set.
This is the point (well it was £175k at the last KS but we're here a little early!) where The Dungeon Kickstarter finished, so currently Towns & Taverns is the same format, page count and has a sticker pack included.
Which brings me our next stretch goal.
£200k Unlocks Magical Effects reusable stickers as an option!
Everyone will now be able to choose which pack they would like included as their free pack! This choice will be made available in the pledge manager (BackerKit) after the Kickstarter.
So as every Towns & Taverns set will include a free pack of stickers, so that's one free pack in with the 'Towns & Taverns' and 'Towns & Tavern PLUS' pledge levels and TWO free packs in the 'Twice the Towns & Taverns' Pledge level, you will be able to choose which pack(s) are included. If you want more sticker packs you will be able to add on extras in the pledge manager once the Kickstarter has ended.
So this update is a good moment to not only introduce our next stretch goal but also to take a look at our stickers!
Firstly we are using the term "stickers" these are actually static clings which are reusable as many times as your adventures require! They work on any laminated surface and allow you to add features and set the scene on maps ahead of games, or adjust the map in seconds.
Town Trimmings
This pack will include roofs, stairs, balconies, doors, furniture, street furniture and much more! Customise Towns & Taverns in moments! Shops where you need them, a comfy sofa for a quick rest or a herbalist just when supplies were low, the choice is yours!
Here we've used roofs, stairs, an entrance and a balcony to change a page of the Lanes design. Please note that these are very much work in progress so the exact images are not final yet.
Magic Effects
Remember once we hit £200k we unlock the Magic Effect pack. This means you will be able to choose which pack you would like included free with each book set.
Magic effects is a super fun pack! Heat things up a little or unleash a mysterious fog. Knives suddenly flying? We've got you covered. And hey, do those missiles look magic to you?
We're not 100% finished on the sticker pack designs as we have seen so many ideas in the comments we wanted to go back in and redo some of them
As always please keep sharing this Kickstarter. I can't tell you just how many people find out about us on Facebook and we want to keep hitting stretch goals!
We're also very close to the last social goal, with just another 12 Twitter followers to go!
See you in the comments and please reach out if you've got any questions!
Matt & Tam
Loke BattleMats
Ils viennent de mettre à dispo des "digital maps" gratuites, pour cause de covid 19 :
- Ulti
Bon le backerkit vient d'ouvrir et je voulais ajouter des choses MAIS je vois qu'il y a des Big Book et des Giant Book. C'est juste une différence de taille ? Les dessins sont les mêmes dans chaque bouquin ?
- Littlerogue
Les Big Books sont en A4, les Giant en A3.
Les mêmes scènes sont représentées dans les deux livres, celles du Giant sont cependant plus grandes. Ce n'est pas à proprement parler une mise à l'échelle (genre une auberge pour géants) mais bien des salles plus vastes.
- Judge Ju
Ok merci ! La taille des cases est donc la même ?
Oui on reste sur du standard pour figurine
Une petite vidéo du rendu de Towns & Taverns version presque définitive :