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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

Setting : Skyraiders of Abarax 40

Forums > Jeux de rôle > Dungeons & Dragons ®


Un nouveau cadre compatible 5E en préparation par Tracy & Laura Hickman (créateurs de Dragonlance) :

Le style graphique fait un peu steampunk.


ça a l'air nul.


ça a l'air nul.


J'adore les réponses constructives de ce type, avec un argumentaire à toute épreuve. Si l'univers ne te parle pas (ce que je peux respecter), ce n'est pas forcément le cas pour tout le monde.


ça a l'air nul.


J'adore les réponses constructives de ce type, avec un argumentaire à toute épreuve. Si l'univers ne te parle pas (ce que je peux respecter), ce n'est pas forcément le cas pour tout le monde.


Merci, c'est exaspérant ce genre de réponse...


Le dessin est nul, les perso sont nuls. Je veux pas jouer ça dsl ça donne pas envie:

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Abnel Kadar

Tracy & Laura Hickman sont des auteurs talentueux. A voir ce que cela va donner ! content


Alors je sais pas toi, mais moi mes parents m'ont toujours appris de dire : "je n'aime pas" plutôt que "c'est nul, c'est pas bon".


Don't feed the troll.

Et sinon, à voir le contenu mais ça peut être cool !


Et l'internet nous a appris : "Don't feed the troll". Si on l'ignore assez longtemps, il partira de lui-même.


Pourquoi pas, il faut voir la proposition, mais bon, avant d'avoir une VF, il va y avoir du temps voire jamais.

En revanche, je ne vois pas trop le steampunk, moi. Ni steam, ni punk.


On n'en sait peu si ce n'est ceci (pioché dans ce qui court sur le net) :

Le peu que l’on sait est qu’il s’agit d’Abarax, un monde médiéval-fantastique avec des dragons, des navires volants, de la magie, différentes races, mais aucun lien avec du steampunk !

ref :

Un twitch pour les anglophones. Je n'ai pas encore regardé.



The broad story seems to hinge on a society borne from the population of an imperial prison island that overthrew their captors and created a new life among the isolated spits of land in an unfamiliar sea. It has been centuries since the empire’s military was last seen, and players will portray characters using the airships to travel in search of their ancestors’ original home.

google trad :

L'histoire générale semble s'articuler autour d'une société née de la population d'une île-prison impériale qui a renversé ses ravisseurs et créé une nouvelle vie parmi les langues de terre isolées dans une mer inconnue. Cela fait des siècles que l'armée de l'empire n'a pas été vue pour la dernière fois, et les joueurs incarneront des personnages utilisant les dirigeables pour voyager à la recherche de la maison d'origine de leurs ancêtres.

Et encore :

Of most interest is a mention on the website of a “Living Time System” that the setting will ostensibly use to create adventures and explore the wider world of Abarax. One could speculate that the phrase denotes some kind of Legacy-esque element to sourcebooks, where choices block off and open specific routes in the campaign. Or, the Hickmans could provide digital updates to the material in the future, exploring leads hinted at in previous entries and gradually fleshing out the corners of the proverbial map.

google trad :

Le plus intéressant est la mention sur le site Web d'un « système de temps de vie » que le cadre utilisera ostensiblement pour créer des aventures et explorer le monde plus vaste d'Abarax. On pourrait supposer que la phrase dénote une sorte d'élément Legacy-esque dans les sourcesbooks, où les choix bloquent et ouvrent des itinéraires spécifiques dans la campagne. Ou, les Hickman pourraient fournir des mises à jour numériques du matériel à l'avenir, explorant les pistes évoquées dans les entrées précédentes et étoffant progressivement les coins de la carte proverbiale.

Tout ça reste à confirmer bien sûr. Je me suis abonné à la newsletter perso.


Il y aura un direct accessible avec ou sans Facebook :

MARDI 12 OCTOBRE 2021 DE 16:30 UTC+02 À 17:30 UTC+02


News du jour :

News du jour :

Background: Aravil Beaugranis was an explorer and chronicler of the ancient world. Legend places him as coming from the region of Hevistia along the Maelstrom Coast during the Age of Light. He was a storied traveler and obsessive organizer of knowledge. Many of his tales were later questioned on his return home. Still, his categorization of beings from different 'ancestries' was a taxonomy he championed to his last breath, and successfully pushed into the common lexcon on Andrakonis. This has become the basis of organizing living entities down through the ages ever since.

There are four major classifications of life in the world based on the binary paired axis: Force/Magic and Sentients/Determinates. The first axis deals with the primary means by which that ancestry deals with and influences the experiential world. The second axis deals with whether that ancestry demonstrates sentience (will of choice or self-determination) or determinate (subject to fate, unburdened by choice).

Dextean (Force Sentients): Beings who are self-determining and who use physical tools as their primary power of affecting the world around them. Examples include humans, dwarves, gnomes and Ogres.
Faean (Magic Sentients): Beings who are self-determining and who use magic as their primary power to affect the world. A sub-group of Faean are the Shapen. These are creatures who were magically changed in the past and include Dragonborn, Halfling and Tiefling.
Beastean (Force Determinants): Beings who are not burdened with self-determination and effect the world through the power of physical force. Examples include cattle, tigers, horses or dogs. Often referred to as ‘animals’ or ‘plants’ depending on their nature.
Aethean (Magic Determinants): Beings who are not burdened with self-determination and effect the world through the power of magic. Examples include dragons, griffins, pegasi. Often referred to as ‘Creatures’ regardless of their animal or vegetable origins.

The Dragonborn, Teiflings and Halflings he encountered clearly originated outside of Beaugranis' stict system but their origins -- shrouded in their own mythologies -- led him to classify them as an adjunct to the Faean, which he termed the 'Shapen'. He never fully understood their origins himself and many contemporary scholars believe Beaugranis simply made up the term as an expedient.
Beaugranis also realized that the blurring of ancestries was common and, in fact, desirable across the world. He named this 'twining' as in 'twine': the merging of ancestral strands into a stronger cord of ancestry in the world.

NOTE: Because player characters are only of Sentient Ancestry, the ancestry of player characters in the broadest of terms will therefore be of either Dextan, Faean or Shapen descent.
--Tracy & Laura Hickman

Google trad :

Il existe quatre grandes classifications de la vie dans le monde basées sur l'axe binaire apparié : Force/Magie et Sentients/Déterminés. Le premier axe traite des principaux moyens par lesquels cette ascendance traite et influence le monde expérientiel. Le deuxième axe traite de la question de savoir si cette ascendance démontre une sensibilité (volonté de choix ou d'autodétermination) ou déterminée (soumise au destin, libérée du fardeau du choix).

Dextean (Force Sentients) : Êtres qui s'autodéterminent et qui utilisent des outils physiques comme leur principal pouvoir d'affecter le monde qui les entoure. Les exemples incluent les humains, les nains, les gnomes et les ogres.
Faean (Magic Sentients) : êtres qui se déterminent eux-mêmes et qui utilisent la magie comme leur pouvoir principal pour affecter le monde. Un sous-groupe de Faean sont les Shapen. Ce sont des créatures qui ont été changées par magie dans le passé et incluent Dragonborn, Halfling et Tiefling.

Beastean (déterminants de la force) : êtres qui ne sont pas chargés d'autodétermination et qui affectent le monde par le pouvoir de la force physique. Les exemples incluent les bovins, les tigres, les chevaux ou les chiens. Souvent appelés « animaux » ou « plantes » selon leur nature.

Aethean (déterminants magiques) : êtres qui ne sont pas chargés d'autodétermination et qui affectent le monde par le pouvoir de la magie. Les exemples incluent les dragons, les griffons, les pégases. Souvent appelées « Créatures » quelles que soient leurs origines animales ou végétales.

Les Enfant de Dragon, les Teiflings et les Halflings qu'il a rencontrés provenaient clairement de l'extérieur du système strict de Beaugranis, mais leurs origines - enveloppées dans leurs propres mythologies - l'ont amené à les classer comme un complément au Faean, qu'il a appelé le "Shapen". Il n'a jamais pleinement compris leurs origines lui-même et de nombreux érudits contemporains pensent que Beaugranis a simplement inventé le terme comme un expédient.
Beaugranis s'est également rendu compte que le brouillage des ascendances était courant et, en fait, souhaitable à travers le monde. Il a nommé ce « jumelage » comme dans « ficelle » : la fusion de brins ancestraux en un cordon d'ascendance plus fort dans le monde.

REMARQUE : Étant donné que les personnages joueurs sont uniquement d'ascendance Sentient, l'ascendance des personnages joueurs au sens le plus large sera donc de descendance Dextan, Faean ou Shapen.

--Tracy & Laura Hickman

Voilà, maintenant que l'on est plus au clair, je laisse chacun suivre comme il le souhaite via la newsletter et la page Facebook plaisantin


Le dessin est trés beau , on voit pleins de dragons en arrière plan ce qui est leur marque de fabrique . Le monde a l'air assez sombre.

A tester.


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From the Lore of Abarax:

The Erinyes Coast

The south-eastern coast of Abarax: site of tragedy and determination.
Descended from dangerous exiles, criminals and dissidents, the eclectic peoples of Abarax look across the deadly seas to the empty horizons. Aeroships once sailed from distant lands bringing more prisoners and supplies from those far shores. With them came news like rain on a parched soil of the fabled lands from which they descended. More than that ... they brought the promise of hope and a return to a home they more felt than knew.
But the Aeroships have long since ceased sailing the skies from across the sea. Hope was replaced by fear and wild speculation. Immediate need came to outweigh duty to distant nations that had abandoned them. The jailors became desperately afraid for their own survival in the harsh climate of their island prison. The jailors themselves disagreed as to the proper course which eventually erupted into armed conflict. In the end, they opened the barred doors and emptied their dungeons, in a frantic bid to recruit to their cause the very prisoners they had so long oppressed.
Ultimately, survival mandated an uneasy truce. The bloodied Erinyes Coast settled into cultivation, crafts and trade between enclave kingdoms. The sons and daughters of convicts descended from a dozen rumored nations spread cautiously out from their decaying dungeons. They formed clans, villages, city-states and petty kingdoms of their own aggrandizement, domination, protection, and survival.
That was long ago and many generations back. Yet still the descendants of prisoners, jailers and slaves alike look out from the shores of the Erinyes Coast, searching the horizon. Someday, they believe, the storied aeroships to appear among the clouds. Someday, they will dock at the ruins of the ancient quays in Iron Bay. Someday the Aeroships will take them back to the fabled lands called home. Someday.

The Erinyes Coast is the south-eastern extend of the great island known as Abarax. The island is said to be nearly five hundred miles from east to west with a prominent peninsula jutting out north-westerly direction from the body of the land mass.
The Erinyes Coast itself measures 132 miles from The Drop at the eastern tip of the P’tar Peninsula to the westmost reaches of the Middle Territories and 104 miles from Bastion Keep in the northern end of Spirit Vale to the southernmost tip of Edoneh’s forest. Mount Gunung, an active volcano and its associated ranges of mountains and hills forms the western boundary of the Erinyes Coast with the remainder of the island generally known as The Wilds beyond.

Khran, Bastion, Defiance and Stormhold were anciently dungeon keeps and complexes where prisoners were housed. Khran and Stronghold were the most secure as they held prisoners under tight restriction. Bastion and Defiance were larger complexes and used to house convicts of a less dangerous nature, using prisoners to work farms either in Spirit Vale or the eastern slopes.

The P’tar was previously known as Eastbriar during the height of the Exile. It served a dual purpose. It was first and foremost an elegant retreat for the Keepers – the staff and families who were in charge of prison operations. Secondly, it was a carefully designed sanctuary and defensible refuge into which these same families could retreat and await rescue in the event of an uncontrollable prisoner uprising.

Termina, the original port city on Iron Harbor, is now a ruin after the Possession Wars and largely abandoned by the living although there is a Tiefling clan who still inhabits it. Its main population, however, remains Sojourning Spirits of the dead.

--Tracy & Laura Hickman

A Barong Navigator plots a course through 5e gaming.

The world of 'Skyraiders of Abarax' is a role-playing game setting and -- as with all games -- is an imperfect model of a complicated reality. The real-world interplay between the complex ancestry behind each of us as well as the diverse cultural influences of family, friends, neighborhoods, regions, or national identities is beyond the scope of this or likely any adventure game. The best we can hope to achieve is to model such complex and interesting diversity in a way which provides interesting interplay in the modeled environment of the game.
To make for more interesting and diverse characters as well as more interesting play, the game world of Skyraiders enhances some basic 5e Character and game concepts. These give us more flexibility and broader options in character creation as well as player actions. Since each of these augmentations spring from foundations in 5e, traditionally created characters will be able to translate directly into these enhancements:

  • Ancestry & Culture: The 5e concept of 'Race' is now enhanced in Skyraiders by dividing it into two tandem concepts: a character's inherited, physical characteristics (Ancestry) and their learned behaviors (Culture). (We briefly discussed the broad strokes of classical Ancestries in a previous newsletter.) This allows players to create characters of different ancestries (as well as mixed ancestries) who were raised in different cultural environments. This adds tremendous diversity in the creation of characters in the game.
  • Professions: As an enhancement to the 'Class' concept of 5e, Professions also opens up greater flexibility in character creation and progression through the adventuring world.
  • Ethos: We take an innovative approach to 5e 'Alignment' that provides more flexibility in the creation and background of characters as well as in the game play itself and the stories that our games can depict. Among other things, Ethos allows for characters to change and evolve over the course of the game -- for better or for worse -- based on the actions of their character.
We will be saying more about Ethos, Ancestry, Culture and Professions as our updates continue. For now, know that we are focusing our efforts on richer, more meaningful play in all its forms.

From the Quarterdeck:

Our Friend, Larry Elmore

There is a great deal going on right now in Abarax!
Perhaps the most exciting for us personally is a call I had with my old friend, Larry Elmore. You might remember him as the artist who has done countless amazing fantasy paintings down through the years. I especially remember him for his early concept work on a little project of ours called 'Dragonlance'. Larry did all of the original covers of our books -- a set a timeless look on them for us.
So naturally when Laura and I thought of our project, I thought I should give my friend a call -- and wonder if he might consider doing a cover for us.
Larry is one of my oldest and dearest friends. So when he told me that he was retiring from doing any further commission work (after his current batch) and just painting what he wanted to paint from now on ... well, I understood.
It was what he said next that was astonishing ... that maybe he could do just one more ... for Laura and I.

So we're delighted to announce that Larry Elmore will be doing one of our covers for us (as a stretch goal should everything go according to plan)!
Next week we'll be making announcements of other new creative contributors to our project that are world-shaking. And, of course, Laura and I will continue to update you on the project as we get closer to our campaign launch. We are still on schedule to have the Kickstarter go live on October 12th, 2021.
For questions and comments, of course, we invite you to join us in posting to our Facebook page for now.
To the winds, buccaneers! To the storm!
Skyraider's fly!

-- Tracy & Laura Hickman

KS repoussé au 26 octobre pour cause d'hospitalisation du Mr Hickman

Signup on Kickstarter NOW!
Dispatches for October 16th, 2021
10 days until Kickstarter launch on October 26th

Action Stations!

Kickstarter Signup!

Grab your cutlass -- or at least your trackpad, mouse and keyboard -- and perform the following boarding action right away:
  1. Come to our Kickstarter Upcoming Project page now.
  2. If you already have a Kickstarter account, sign in; if you don't, then please sign up so you will be prepared in ten days when our project launches.
  3. Click on the 'Notify me on launch' banner. This will set up notifications to your Kickstarter account regarding Skyraiders.
We will be offering special incentives to early backers ... so sign up now. This fantasy is getting real, my friends! Welcome aboard!

The View Aloft:

Haven: Remnants of Power

The old Plantation north of Termina became the refuge known as Haven.


Primary Cultural Influence: Human
Other Influences: Wood Dwarf & Gnome
Modifiers: Dexterity +1 / Wisdom +1 / Charisma -1
Languages: Common, Dwarven & Gnomish
Professions: Bards (40%), Clerics, Crafter, Fighters, Merchants, Nobels (20%), Paladin (15%) Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard
Skills: (Pick 2) Wood Shaping, Engineering, Edible Plants, Social Grace, Bartering, Seminary, Education, Scrapper
Ethos: Any


Before the Fall, the region near the base of Spirit Vale was dominated primarily by the Plantation. This was a Keeper’s farming facility where prisoners were brought to work a large area of farmland both to the west of the Plantation compound and further afield in the Spirit Vale to the north. Only prisoners who were of little security risk were allowed on the Plantation. This included inmates who were of the noble class and for whom physical labor in the fields was an unaccustomed and difficult experience. Nevertheless, conditions for the prisoners on the Plantation was far less harsh than those experienced in the stricter and far more punitive facilities such as Bastion or Khyran.
Immediately after the Fall, the Plantation faired better than most of the other Keeper facilities on Abarax. It had fields of crops and storage facilities on the Plantation which could supply their needs over time. Unfortunately, as time passed with no relief ships coming over the horizon, the other Keeper facilities – especially in the main city of Terminus – soon grew desperate for even the most basic needs.
Terminus itself became the focal point of the Possession Wars that followed resulting in its repeated sacking by the various factions that arose from the prisons. Keepers in Terminus fled primarily toward Eastbriar (now known as P’tar) as it had been their plan to hold out there until relief came from across the sea. However, there were a number of Keepers who were cut off from the Eastbriar Road who were forced to flee toward the Plantation. There, they hoped to establish contact with the Eastbriar Keepers and rejoin them there.
This was a doomed plan from the beginning. Those Keepers who fled to Eastbriar were soon overrun, a fate which ended in the tragedy known afterward as ‘The Drop.’ The Plantation itself soon was the target of the desperate pillaging armies of the Possession Wars but by the time they arrived, much of their strength had been spent. The Plantation buildings were largely destroyed but most of its fields remained intact and the invaders took only what they could carry leaving much behind.
Thus, was Haven born out of materials salvaged from the Plantation ruins. A town was constructed to the west of the original buildings largely comprised of human former inmates mixed with former Keepers as well as Wood Carver dwarves and several gnome clans. It became an early agricultural trade source as well as an important crossroads between the mechanical expertise of Salvage to the northeast and the other city-states to the south and west. Its eclectic heritage lives on today as a town where anything might happen.


Ethos. Haven itself was built of a hodgepodge of values that covers the entire spectrum of ethos. The best and the worst are found among them. Any Clan Ethos is acceptable as a cultural ethos in Haven.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Wood Dwarf and gnome. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Dragonborn curses, Fae musical expressions, Barong sayings, and so on.
Governance: After the Possession Wars, the descendants of the Keepers were able to reestablish their authority more strongly in Haven than any other place on Abarax. Three families emerged as controlling factions: the Bourdains, the Valshons and the Remanis. These three families have alternately allied or been at war privately for over a century but somehow have managed (often grudgingly) to maintain control of Haven. They have managed down the years to firmly root a local dynasty based on hereditary rule and an iron fist. They present a benevolent façade so long as everyone in the town pays protection to the masters and mistresses of Haven House. They preach the return of the imperial ships through the Imperator Chapel, which is patronized largely by a nobility of Keeper descendants and those who are trying to curry favor with them. Their rule is maintained through the strength of the Order of Haven -- a grandiose name given to a brutal gang of noble-sanctioned thugs dressed under a very thin layer of finery.

In more recent years, however, the struggle between the three families has spilled into blood and increased hardship for the people in the town. Tariffs and taxes have grown unbearable and the town has the feeling of a bottled fireball waiting to explode.

Skyraiders needs YOU, daniel!

We need your help in spreading the word about Skyraiders of Abarax. Please help us gather our fellow buccaneers by either forwarding a copy of this newsletter to your adventure friends or directing them to


From the Captain's Table:

Matt Stawicki: Art of Dragonlance

One of the things that has been the most satisfying down the years of working in Dragonlance has been the visual interpretations. It always thrilled me to see our dreams interpreted into art on the page. This was from the very beginning when Larry Elmore on his own time created exploded schematic technical drawings of dragonlances and their saddle mountings.
Everything evolves, of course, and art is no exception. I've worked with many different artists down the years -- Keith Parkinson coming to mind and being sorely missed -- and each has brought their own texture and viewpoint to our worlds.
I have to admit that one of my favorites down the years has been Matt Stawicki.
You have probably already seen Matt's art. If not, take a moment to visit his web page where you can view some stunning examples of his work.
So when I called him the other day it was with high hopes that he would join us here as a Skyraider … I was delighted at his response. Welcome aboard, Matt!

From the Quarterdeck:

Adding Sail and a Following Wind

It's been all hands on deck here at Skyraiders! Preparing for the launch of the Kickstarter has been a whirlwind for all four of us here. Writing scripts, building visual elements, structuring the Kickstarter tiers, not to mention Laura and me filming our own video segments and capturing audio as well. There is so much for us to get done and we see the deadline of our launch date coming up fast.
Yet there is a sense of exhilaration here. As Joe Bourrie said yesterday, with the opening of our coming project page on Kickstarter, it all has gotten very REAL. It's hard work and we've quite a distance to cover yet -- but we have the wind at our backs and we keep adding sail to make it go faster!
For questions and comments, of course, we invite you to join us in posting to our Facebook page for now.
To the winds, buccaneers! To the storm!
Skyraider's fly!
-- Tracy Hickman

Set Course for these Ports of Call!

We hope you will 'follow, like and share' these Skyraider internet harbors with your fellow adventurers!

C'est parti !